Books and Recent Publication
The Maine Archaeological Society Online Store
Welcome to The Maine Archaeological Society (TMAS) online store. Here you can find out-of-print publications, TMAS publications, and recent book announcements. For those who wish to make wholesale/booksellers purchases, please use the PDF purchase order forms located at the bottom of this web-page. All other purchases can be made directly on the website (by selecting price [based on membership status] and then clicking the “Add to Cart” button [where one can then select their desired purchase quantity]) or through the PDF purchase order forms at the bottom of this web-page.
Four Books Available on CD Only
The Maine Archaeological Society has produced scanned (PDF – formatted) versions of the following out-of-print books that are available on CD-ROM. Each CD has one or more files that includes scanned copies of the pages. Some CDs include separate photo files (tiff format) for each half-tone that appears in the book, de-screened as much as possible. The pdf files can be text-searched for key words.

Title: The Clarke and Lake Company - The Historical Archaeology of Seventeenth-Century Maine Settlement
Author: Emerson W. Baker

Title: The Forts of Pemaquid, Maine - An Archaeological and Historical Study
Author: Robert L. Bradley and Helen B. Camp

Title: Archaeological Investigations at the Young Site Alton, Maine
Author: Christopher L. Borstel

Title: Early Holocene Occupation in Northern New England
Author: Brian S. Robinson, James B. Peterson, and Ann K. Robinson
The Maine Archaeology Society Publications
Purchase any of the old or newly published books on archaeological research in Maine as well as The Maine Archaeological Society bulletin.

Title: History and Archaeology of Fort Halifax, Winslow, Maine
Author: Leon E. Cranmer and Perleston L. Pert
Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology Number 17. 245 pp. Part One: Archaeology 163 pages, 100+ illustrations. Part Two: History 70 pages. Publication April 2021.

Title: Goddard: A Prehistoric Village Site on Blue Hill Bay, Maine
Author: Steven L. Cox
Occasional Publications in Maine
Archaeology Number 16. 130 pages, 100+ illustrations. Publication: April 2021. This is the ANorse Coin@ site in Brooklin, Maine

Title: The Bob Site - A Multicomponent Archaic and Ceramic Period Site on Pushaw Stream, Maine
Author: Karen E. Mack, David Sanger, and Alice R. Kelley
Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 12. A discussion of the excavation of this site, including the stone tools recovered, and geological information revealed by the excavation.

Title: Kidder Point and Sears Island in Prehistory
Author: Arthur E. Spiess and Mark H. Hedden
Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology Number Three. Excavation of two Ceramic period shell middens, with lithic and faunal analysis.

Title: The French at Pentagoet 1635-1674 - An Archaeological Portrait of the Acadian Frontier
Author: Alaric Faulkner and Gretchen Faulker
Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology Five. Excavation of a French fort on the coast of Maine and its archaeological assemblage.

Title: Michaud A Paleoindian Site in New England-Maritimes Region
Author: Arthur E. Spiess and Deborah Wilson
Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology Number 6. A detailed description of the complete excavation of and assemblage from a fluted point Paleoindian site.

Title: Fort St. Gorge - Archaeological Investigation of the 1607-1608 Popham Colony
Author: Jeffrey Phipps Brain

Title: Fort St. Gorge II - Archaeological Investigation of the 1607-1608 Popham Colony
Author: Jeffrey Phipps Brain

Title: Saint Croix Island Maine - History, Archaeology, and Interpretation
Author: Steven R. Pendery

Title: Archaeological Testing at the Sharrow Site - A Deeply Stratified Early to Late Holocene Cultural Sequence Central Maine
Author: James B. Peterson
Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 8. The keystone stratified Archaic culture sequence in Maine, with description of stone tools, features, bone, charcoal and radiocarbon dates.

Title: The Turner Farm Fauna - 5000 Years of Hunting and Fishing in Penobscot Bay, Maine
Author: Arthur E. Spiess and Robert A. Lewis
Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 11
A detailed zooarchaeology report of shell midden fauna with extensive methods section, basic information on food animals species used at the site, and possible Native American hunting and fishing methods.

Title: Cushnoc - The History and Archaeology of Plymouth Colony Traders on the Kennebec
Author: Leon E. Cranmer

Bulletin on CD (1964-2000)
The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin on CD 1964-2000 Volumes 1 (1964) through volume 40 (2000) PDF format files readable in Adobe Acrobat. Text searchable. Useful as a research tool.
PDF Purchase Order Forms
For those who wish to make wholesale/booksellers purchases or simply do not wish to use the online store, please feel free to download the corresponding purchase order form and follow the necessary instructions.

Contact Information
The Maine Archaeological Society
P.O. Box 982
Augusta, Maine 04332-0982