Websites and Resources
Online Websites and Resources
Each category below reveals a list of links to websites with potentially useful archaeological information. Much of the information originates from out-of-state. The Maine Archaeological Society does not own this content, and here only provides links to the information without recommendation or review for accuracy. Feel free to explore the various resources by clicking its corresponding link. Also, feel free to contact TMAS of any sources you would like to see added to this web-page at
Archaeological Mapping Exercise
Concept of the Past (Grades 4-7)
Gridding an Archaeological Site (Grade 5)
Discovering Maine’s Past through Archaeology
Sandbox Dig
Aroostook County Historical & Art Museum
Cape Elizabeth Historical Preservation Society
Machiasport Historical Society
Millinocket Historical Society
New Gloucester Historical Society
North Yarmouth Historical Society
Raymond-Casco Historical Society
Scarborough Historical Society and Museum
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Maine’s Threatened Shell Middens: Losing a Link to Understanding Our Past
Archaeological Dig, Haskell Island, Maine
FlintKnapping a Spear Point with Dick Doyle Maine 2009
Malaga Island Archaeology Interview

Contact Information
The Maine Archaeological Society
P.O. Box 982
Augusta, Maine 04332-0982